Northern Illinois' oldest working
Roman Catholic Church!
Please contact the rectory to request a mass intention or to donate flowers: (630) 257-7000.
Join the faithful of St James at Sag Bridge for Sunday Mass. The church usually fills up, so we offer closed circuit TV of the Mass in the upper and lower level of Sag Hall, and on the main and lower levels of the rectory. The room on the main level serves as a good "cry room." Of course, in good weather, you are welcome to listen to the Mass anywhere on campus thanks to our wonderful loudspeakers. Come worship!
Sunday Mass Schedule: 8:15am, 10:00am, and 12:00pm
(The noon Mass will follow the Missal of 1962, formerly referred to as a Traditional Latin Mass, except on the first Sunday of each month, during the Triduum, and on Easter, Pentecost, and Christmas. On these days the noon Mass will be a Novus Ordo Mass, celebrated in Latin.)
Mass videos can be found on our Rumble page by following this link.