Quick question: Of the twelve sons of Jacob, who was the youngest? If you said, Joseph, you’d be right. Who was the oldest, the first born? If you said Reuben, you’d be right. Why do I ask?...
Classes have begun, but you can still join. Join Michelle Rebello and gain rich meaning from Fr Hardon’s comments on the Catechism. Come Tuesday, 7pm, Sag Hall. Whether you are new or have been through the course before, click for Sign Up Genius.
There is a feeling in today’s gospel, that the rich young man should have quit while he was ahead. He tells Jesus, “I have kept all these things”. Bingo. He should have said, “Thank you Lord, now I’m assured of my salvation.”...
Can you help homeless men stay warm this winter? Drop men’s coats and blankets (in good condition) in the box in Charlie’s Chapel. (Sorry, no women’s or children’s coats please.)