What could be better for some pre-Thanksgiving dinner spiritual reading than to feast on some G.K. Chesterton quotes. “I would maintain that thanks are the highest form of thought, and that gratitude is happiness doubled by wonder”...
March for Life signups are now open for all parishioners and last year's wait list. Others can register starting December 15th. Click to for more information and to sign up.
Huge thanks to the Altar & Rosary Society for hosting a fabulous gathering on December 8. A full hall enjoyed great food, company, music, sing-a-long & fun! Click for the complete photo album.
I don’t think Jesus would have made a good accountant. When the poor widow puts in a few pennies into the collection box, Jesus declares that she has put in more than all the rest...
This program is geared towards families with babies and young children (aged 5 and younger). The content is taken from ten beautifully illustrated children’s books titled, “Questions for God,” written by Peggy Olds, which lay out in clear and simple statements the truths of our faith. Click for more information.